We believe that journalism is the immune system of a functioning democracy, and that the Western world has acquired a societal immune disease.
Journalism’s role is to identify threats to a society’s continued functioning and flag them up high enough that they can be addressed. If the world can’t effectively fund hard journalism, we won’t be able to turn to meet the challenges that the coming decades hold.
To fix this, we must find ways to redirect our resources in ways that reinforce our ability to fund this critical function, while truly meeting the needs of the advertisers who supply the lifeblood of the media ecosystem.
Created in 2023
Aligned.news was created with a singleminded focus on remonetizing hard news. By reframing ads in real news stories as contextually aware sponsorships, we aim to direct funding to the part of news doing the most societal good, thereby realigning the incentives in the marketplace back towards producing more of the journalism that performs its core role in democracy.