What would it take to make hard news the most valuable place for advertisers to appear?

Journalism is the immune system of democracy - but today, the more important a news story is, the less likely it is to receive advertising support.

Current estimates indicate that most hard news stories - up to 3 billion dollars worth - aren’t supported by ads. For publishers, that means hard choices around investing in producing stories that really matter vs. other content that just keeps the lights on, undermining the critical role that journalism plays in our societies.

How do we fix this?

Aligned.news changes the advertiser-audience relationship with news in a fundamental way:

Aligned.news ads are contextually relevant, highly efficient for the quality of the inventory, and demonstrate alignment between advertiser and reader.

They also direct advertiser monetary support squarely at the content that is doing the most societal good.

Introducing Aligned.news

Make readers grateful to advertisers for supporting journalism - and help news media focus on what really matters

Create outsize brand impact

Advertisers - get credit for your role and your values at the moment people are thinking about their own priorities

An incredible buying opportunity

News on topics that matter is the best deal in the marketplace - and our approach increases monetizable inventory for both buy and sell sides

Incentivize important journalism

Be rewarded by sending ad dollars directly to where they create the most societal value

Why it matters

Journalism is the immune system of a functioning democracy. We have an autoimmune disease.

Journalism’s role is to identify threats to a society’s continued functioning and flag them up high enough that they can be addressed. If the world can’t effectively fund hard journalism, we won’t be able to turn to meet the challenges that the coming decades hold. To fix this, we must find ways to redirect our resources in ways that reinforce our ability to fund this critical function, while truly meeting the needs of the advertisers who supply the lifeblood of the media ecosystem.

How it works:

  • Aligned.news leverages cutting-edge AI and human analysis to crawl and classify high-quality news sites by the type of social value they are providing, then ingest the classified URL’s into our rules engine.

  • The data is activated via partners through private marketplaces based on that social value.

  • Advertisers can use their own creative with our guidelines or we can wrap existing creative as needed.